The relationship between temperature and relative humidity
As air temperature increases, the air holds more moisture and its relative humidity decreases. When temperatures drop and relative humidity increases. Temperature is therefore inversely proportional to air humidity.
How can temperature and humidity variations affect my health?
Few scientific studies indicate that temperatures below the 20 to 22°C range can result in physical stress, such as higher blood pressure in elderly people and those living with chronic health issues.
The Research indicates aerosolized influenza virus is more stable at lower relative humidity. The half-life of the virus drops at higher temperatures and cannot be spread as easily. Some viruses, including the flu virus, survive more easily in drier, colder air. That’s another reason why you should keep the temperature above 20°C.
Excessively high humidity in the home creates a favourable environment for mould and dust mites —powerful allergens and irritants that can lead to respiratory problems like asthma. If the relative humidity is at an extremely low level. This can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Dry air is also harmful to people with skin or eye conditions.
Temperature and humidity are also related to cardiovascular disease mortality risks. In conditions of low temperatures and high humidity, cardiovascular death rates increased. This could be due to high humidity affecting thrombotic risk, combined with the human body’s various cold-stress responses.
Proper temperature and humidity in worksite sustain employee health and comfort
Maintaining suitable temperature and humidity levels is necessary in order to sustain employee health, comfort, and productivity. Extremely humidity levels can lead to skin or respiratory conditions. Employees who are physically uncomfortable due to high or low temperatures may have difficulty concentrating or maintaining productivity. Temperature and humidity can affect the air quality within a workspace as well. Ideally, the temperature in a workplace will achieve thermal comfort for most employees by providing heating or cooling within a set temperature range. Humidity should be maintained in a range from 40 to 70 % to avoid dry or oversaturated conditions. In the manufacturing worksite, there are some hazardous materials that may be sensitive to either.
Temperature and humidity affect comfort and health in exercise
Exercise regimens need to take into account temperature and humidity to avoid health risks. This is because the human body relies on sweating to stay cool. If the ambient air is both hot and moist, the body cannot release the sweat as the body required, which can lead to dehydration, overheating, and even heatstroke.
High temperature and humidity can carry stench odour further especially in summer around garbage.
Relative humidity can affect on Art collection and Musical instrument
After light, relative humidity is the most significant factor to be considered in the environmental control of collections. Constant relative humidity above 70 % can cause mould growth and increase corrosion whereas relative humidity levels below 40 % may cause sensitive materials such as paper, parchment and textiles to become brittle.
Organic materials such as paper, wood, textiles, bone and ivory expand and contract as they absorb and release water in response to changes in relative humidity levels. Rapid fluctuations can lead to cracking and warping of these materials and also cause bonded materials to separate. Paint, for instance, may craze or peel from wooden surfaces and paper glued to a backing board may buckle.
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